squid slang navy

Smiles (Game of): A game in which two or more Sailors sit at a specially designed table or bar, typically in the Philippines, and receive fellatio from one or more prostitutes. Rumor Control: The often wildly inaccurate rumors that concern fictitious changes to the ship's schedule. seaman. Stupid-: Adjective for remedial training. Consists of classroom and pool instruction and culminates with the dreaded "Dilbert Dunker" and "Helo Dunker. "Boot ensign.". Johnny Cash's: The (defunct) Winter Working Blue uniform; so called due to the fact that they were all black (black being called navy blue) and Johnny Cash was the man in black. Up the hawse hole/pipe: An enlisted man going officer. Spooks: Navy Cryptologic Technicians or other service equivalents. Mast Crank: A fictitious crank, usually impersonated by a Bull Gear crank from engineering, which is to be collected by a junior enlisted to crank down the mast while passing under a short bridge. AWOL: Absent Without Official Leave; this is a US Army and USAF term, not a Navy term, see UA. B1RD: Pronounced: Bravo One Romeo Delta. Active duty obligation expires the day before the enlistee's 21st birthday. The closest thing to a viable explanation of the origin I could find is squid as it applies to inexperienced motorcyclists. Desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail in the Persian Gulf during Operation Earnest Will. DLGN: Destroyer, Leader, Guided Missile, Nuclear, class of ship. The Hole: Main machinery space where an engineer works. Nixie A countermeasure against acoustic homing torpedoes. Radioman, Electronic's Technician, etc., usually denoted as part of the rank insignia, found in the center of the rank device on the summer, and winter uniforms only. One bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour. JORG: Junior Officer Requiring Guidance (see "George"). Left side of an aircraft when facing the nose from inside. Also "Neurotic" for a midshipman in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC). A recruit chosen in boot camp to "be in charge" when the Company Commander, or other authority figure, are not present.

Fulmer: A sailor that desperately tries to win various games (ping pong, pool, etc.

Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (USMC): The Marines. They are also given the privilege of wearing their winter blue, or summer white uniforms, or, as an alternate, their dress uniforms, for the week before shipping out to the fleet. This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 17:05.

Here today, GUAM tomorrow: Received orders from one island to another island, as in ADAK to GUAM. "John and I were buds on the but then he went sinker and I never heard from him again.". XOI: Executive Officer's Inquiry: A step in the. Fuck the mission, clean the position: Break out the, Fuck You, strong message follows: Seen on a numerical list of epithet substitutions (the unauthorized "Falcon Code," derived from the "Charlie Echo" code), especially transmitted over radio, which has to stay clean. forecastle zoo: Game of naming everything on the forecastle which has an animal name, e.g. Also termed as Smokin' and Jokin'.

Alpha fires leave ash.

Cruise widow: A sailor's wife. : "Pussy Cut Off Day": The last day of a long deployment on which male sailors can get laid and still obtain Venereal Disease cures from the Hospital Corpsman, and have those cures be effective, before returning to their partners at home. Beans, bullets, and black oil: Supplies of all sorts needed by a warship. A.K.A. Derived from an arcane method of reading signal strength. For better or worse, everyone is picked on in one way or another. Saltpeter: Chemical supposedly added to "bug juice" aboard ship to stifle libido. Ricky Ninja: Within minutes of lights out, the entire division is asleep, except for the Ricky Ninjas, dressed in their ski masks and sweaters, sliding from rack to rack, Gullivering, dirty-dicking, and spitting in the RPOC's canteen. Royal Baby: Originally the fattest man on the ship, chosen as part of Neptune's court during Shellback initiation, which includes kissing his belly. Also refers to sailors who have yet to attend any schools that assign NEC (Navy Enlisted Classification) codes upon graduation. USS Zippo: Derogatory name for USS Forrestal (CV 59). AOM: All Officers Meeting, held for a variety of reasons like training, port calls, mess issues, etc. (example: 2MC, 5MC, 23MC, 26MC). Fit Boss: Officer designated by the Commanding Officer to be responsible for the command Physical Readiness Program. Hoover: The S-3B Viking, mostly due to its unique engine noises. Kirk Benda, 757th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron specialist section chief, kisses his wife Melissa BendaPhoto courtesy of http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvids/, Missile Sponge (Applies exclusively to Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates, at least for now). Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. Chub Club: The mandatory physical training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight. Black Hole, The Black Hole: The Navy's main base at Norfolk, Virginia, so called because "it's where sailors' careers go to die. Pencil whip: (1) Filling out a form with mostly imaginary data or fluff.

Single up: To remove one 'loop' line of a doubled-up line, so that only a single line remains. Cow: A refrigerated fixture in the galley that dispenses something like milk. These recruits usually end up getting ASMO'ed to a company that is earlier in training. VERTREP: Vertical Replenishment: The taking of supplies (resupply) from a supply ship via helo pick-up and drop-off. i.e. Players bid on the number of tricks to be taken, trump is determined by draw. For more, see. Because frankly, I find this shit amusing.

When one goes off, the other takes his place (three men share two racks). King Neptune: Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, Ancient Order of the Deep. Liberty Boat: Boat assigned to transfer sailors to and from their ship when in a port that requires the ship to drop anchor instead of pulling pierside. (pronounced "foop-uh"): Fat Upper Pelvic Area: The buldge that protrudes from ill-fitting pants worn by an overweight sailor, or by extension, the sailor him- or herself. Whitney (LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. Also contains the Uniform of the Day. Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a ship. Head call means to use the head. Used to be called "Company Commander.". SS- Navy

Snot Locker: The storage area for snot a person's nose. They are a permanent fixture. Also used to pass information between a flight deck fuel station and flight deck control as to status of fueling operations for individual aircraft. Rate Grabber: Enlisted member with the goal of (and succeeding in) making rate (promotion) quickly.

voluntarily relinquishes his/her title to a "second-termer" that gets out of the Navy earlier who exhibits extreme disgruntlement and is generally accepted by the "first-termers" as one of their own. Ricky Rocket: A boot camp "energy drink" made from an assorted mix of sodas, sports drinks, coffee, sugar and artificial sweetners used to help keep the recruit awake. Blowing the ___ Fleet: Performing oral sex on a prostitute (in reference to the fact that said prostitute may have had sex with the entirety of the named fleet). More Terms (without the wordy explanations), Coastie a member of the Coast Guard (which I dont write much about, because right now theyre part of the Department of Homeland Security, until we go back to war), Swabbie another term for a Navy sailor. Originally a Torpedo Boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer. Gig line: The visual line formed by uniform zipper, belt buckle, and buttoned shirt seam. Fleet Tug-Nuclear, Fire Technician-Nuclear). Tronchaser: Those in the AT (primarily I Level) rate who work on Navy avionics. Phraseology: Instant Boatswain's Mate, just add water. [CDATA[ Titivate: To spruce up or clean up the ship and its company. Non-Comm: A non-commissioned officer, E4-E9. The name comes from "rveill" (or "rveil"), the French word for "wake up.". Can also refer to the traditionally profanity-laced language patterns of sailors. ", TAD or TDY: Temporary Additional Duty or Temporary Duty, "Take suction on a seat cushion:" alternative form of "pucker factor. Naval method of indicating the time of day aboard ship, usually over the 1MC. Common overnight activity for ships underway. See, I Want One Jammed In My Ass, Little Pricks Hurt 2. ", these items have very limited use--one specific evolution--and therefore could also refer to a sailor with only one skill or is qualified on only one watch station. Said to be preserved by irradiation. 'I Believe' Button: A fictitious button to be pressed when complex technical details are not immediately understood, but there is not time to go into laborious explanation. Wings: Naval Aviator or Naval Flight Officer breast insignia. tattoo submarine submarines Aboard a ship, it is a can with a hole in the lid, usually hung from the bulkhead near watch stations.

The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. The act of solving a problem by applying numbers and units and various known and assumed quantities to calculate an approximate answer. Marching Party: In boot camp, an after-hours regimen of intensive training exercises, supervised by the command's special warfare personnel. Just press the I Believe button. Flux capacitor: New members of a CVN's MMR will be sent to retrieve the "flux capacitor" from the OOW in the reactor control room. LPOD: Last Plane On Deck: The time when all aircraft should be on the ground. Players are first dealt 1 card each then 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13, 13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. It is sounded during flag ceremonies and funerals, generally on bugle or trumpet. Trips back to the ship in the wee hours of the night are usually very entertaining. Also known as pounded the pooch or popped the puppie.

No longer moving through the water, which means rudder control is lost as well. The term is used, regardless of the officer's age or gender, when the officer has gained the respect of subordinates. Smoking Sponson: Designated smoking area aboard aircraft carriers, usually right below the flight deck on the exterior of the ship's hull. // ]]> Join our newsletter received by other visitors who are preparing for their military career! Place where food is prepared for consumption. Websquid slang navy. Derisively, Non-Flying Officer. JOPA: Junior Officer Protection Association. C.L.I.P. AO: Aviation Ordnanceman, personnel assigned to Aircraft Carriers, Helicopter Carriers and Aviation Squadrons that store, handle, assemble, transport and load all weapons and drop tanks along with electronic counter measure pods, dispensers and sono-bouys on Navy and Marine Corps aircraft. Typically, as a hazing ritual, sailors fresh out of boot camp are sent out on a wild goose chase to retrieve a, "Portable", Pad Eye. Brown Water: Shallow water close to land; Brown Water Navy (Sailor): Any Sailor who operates a small boat in inshore areas.

Topsider: Anyone who is not a nuke, or Engineer. Butt Kit: Ash tray. ", YGFBKM: "You've Got to Fucking Be Kidding Me!". Term used to describe shipboard or 'surface' officers and senior enlisted members, due to the black footwear worn while in khaki uniform. WebThe Marines give the Navy the most shit, but its sort of a brotherhood thing.

(Growler). Gaff Off: To ignore or purposely fail to show proper respect to someone more senior, such as by blowing off an assigned task, by not saluting, or by using improper forms of address. "Get your dick skinners off my white hat." Warrants are competitively selected from the senior (E7E9) enlisted ranks. Nuke Striker: Perjorative term used by nukes to describe a coner that asks endless questions about the operations of the nuclear power plant. If operating on one boiler at the time of the casualty, the ship then goes "dark and quiet" as all power and propulsion is lost. navy drinking squid stein foam drink prlog crow related

See "Dome. May also be burned into the skin. VASTARD: Sailors that work with the AN/USM247(V) Versatile Avionics Shop Test (VAST) operational from 1972-2006.

Pisser: (1) A urinal (not a toilet). The term refers to the aquatic animal and how Surge: A ship deployment from its home port usually lasting 3 to 6 months, as can occur outside of the normal cruise cycle due to operational commitments. Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." You are acting drifty today!"). A.K.A. Today, Salt and Peppers are worn by cooks that work in a ship's wardroom. P.A.P.E.R.C.L.I.P. Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. Usually takes the form of "Hey, did you hear (insert ship name here) had a fire in their main machinery room and can't get underway so our cruise got extended by a month?" Also known as a "Splash guard.".

V2 Division: Maintenance of Catapults and Arresting Gear. Flare to Land, Squat to Pee: Navy pilot's derisive description of aircraft landing technique used by (primarily) Air Force aviators; used in comparison to the nerve-wracking controlled crash that is the typical carrier landing. A "madame.". The term grunt refers to those typically in the ADSEP: ADministrative SEParation: Release from Naval Service for administrative reasons. Also refers to a mythical rate or ship type an "FTN Striker" says he/she is trying to get in (i.e. COMMO: Communications Officer: The officer in charge of the Communications Division. Often symbolized by the wearing of a paperclip on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor's level of disgruntlement. Screaming Alpha: A sailor who is on fire and is running around screaming. These are heavy duty paper towels purchased in bulk, and are used in every cleaning situation imaginable. As you might expect, used by Navy personnel frequently in reference to ground based forces. Buddy Fucker: Someone who fucks over their shipmates, and who is not to be trusted with any information or watch swap. "WESTPAC widow" or "Boomer Widow.". Also possibly named to represent a generator that is providing no power to the system and therefore not taking on its share of the load. A spout connected to a 5 Gallon fuel can. Extra Man Onboard, Enlisted Puke: Derogatory term used sparingly and very privately among junior officers to describe a particularly worthless and disliked enlisted subordinate. They include: beagle a steward; boy scouts leave a brief shore-leave; dimple a hole in a ships hull caused by a torpedo; drain the bilge to be extremely seasick; macaroon a new rating; molly a malingerer; squid female trainee. Bar Stool Technician: A term labeled to the former AQ rating, Aviation Fire Control Technician. Ricky Iron: Using one's right hand to press one's uniform flat. VD: Venereal Disease, also know as the clap, Gonnorea or syphillis. Ricky Crud: (1) A one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations. Warm Blood: An individual who has not crossed the Arctic Circle or Antarctic Circle, who must go through rituals, that sometimes cross the line to be hazing, to become a Blue Nose or Red Nose, respectively. Butter Bar: The single gold bar on the khaki uniform of an Ensign (Navy) or 2nd Lieutenant (USMC) By extension, an Ensign, or any new officer fresh from OCS, the Naval Academy, or NROTC. (function() { var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true; po.src = 'https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); })(); Dog watches: The 1600-2000 evening watch is customarily split into two two-hour "dog" watches, so that the watch sections rotate rather than being stuck with the same schedule every day. Sailor 1: "What are you having for chow?"

NON: "Needs of the Navy" a priority over anything to do with one's family or person; as in God, Country, Family. A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. Named for the maintenance catapult shots where only the shuttle is moved down the track with no aircraft attached. Very rarely occurs due to duty. Civie cut: A civilian haircut worn by males who live around military towns to distinguish themselves from military personnel. Can be a collateral duty for a commissioned officer or more frequently, a civilian contractor's primary duty. Department: Highest organizational level in most naval commands. Drifty: Lacking the ability to stay focused while attempting to perform a given task. WebASAP - As Soon As Possible: This has become slang in normal speech but in the military it means "immediately." "), Pier tender: A ship that never gets under way. Pass in Review: The ceremony of graduation from boot camp into Navy life. "Gadoozlefrank is an enlisted puke. Air Boss: Air Officer. On Submarines the 1st Looey (1st Lt) is usually an non-qual Ensign and he runs "seaman gang" responsible for, among other responsibilities, all the gadgets necessary for handling and storing of mooring lines, materiel condition of Topside (chipping and painting), escape and rescue equipment like life vests and Steinke Hoods back when they were carried. Knuckle Buster: A pneumatic tool for removing perfectly good paint from steel.

"What do you do onboard?" Personally, Im more on board with the first. Sea Pussy: A yeoman or personnelman akin to a secretary who does clerical work.

Whidbey Whale: A dependent wife that is Orca fat even though her husband has maintained the same basic size during their marriage. squid crossbones sailors pirates The Navy "rents" them for an extra year in return for promoting them. Rot-Cee: Slang for ROTC, Reserve Officer Training Corps. Building 20: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. It's green, of course. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. Drive On! The hostess will expect some entertainment (dancing, dinner, etc.). Spook Shit: Equipment that one doesn't know the purpose, function or ownership of, which when it's gone leaves as the only trace of its existence aboard ship an unused circuit breaker labeled "Spook Shit" in grease pencil. USS Belcrash: The USS Belknap (CG-26). Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. No-Load 1) A servicemember who does not pull his or her own weight. YARFO: "You Ain't Reactor? Radioactive Rudolph: Reindeer meat brought onboard in Scandinavian Ports, especially soon after the Chernobyl meltdown. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! ", ESWS: Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist. Tiger Team: Junior enlisted of all ratings (E-3 and below) who are tasked to clean the engine room prior to inspection, such as GITMO Refresher training or evaluation. Fleet equivalent is "Nub," "Newbie," or "Hey Shitbird.". Noun. Chit: The document a sailor fills out to make various types of special request (i.e. Stroked Chit: Refers to a form of point deduction during boot camp, a stroked chit is a loss of five points to the company per grading period (one week) until Pass in Review. Loop, Looper: An officer, usually a LT or LCDR, who is an admiral's aide. Pucker Factor: Tension caused by high stress during a difficult or dangerous evolution. Busted: Reduced in rank as a result of Captain's Mast. Ed's Motel: Navy filmmakers' acronym for Editorials, Motion Picture and Television Department. Other terms include: Peter clamps, Meat hooks, Dick beaters. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Also called Boomers.

1. Dammit: Proper way to read an exclamation point quietly.

Bag Nasty: A pre-packaged bag lunch usually consisting of a cold cut sandwich, piece of fruit, and juice box or can of soda. Sea and Anchor Detail: Every sailor has an assigned duty station to be manned when the ship is either pulling into or out of port. CSO: Combat Systems Officer: Officer responsible for maintenance of a ship's combat system (gun, missile, radar, command control and communications systems). Field Day: All hands clean-up. Mighty Battle Pig: Nickname for USS WS Sims (FF-1059) "Mighty Battle Frigate.". Ditch: To intentionally crash land an aircraft as "gently" as possible usually into the water. (hence nickname). Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance.

", Boopdiddley: All-purpose, virtually meaningless expression, used as an exclamation i.e. Watch condition: Ship's readiness condition:(Denoted by Roman numerals) I: maximum readiness (GQ) all hands at their battle stations, material condition Zebra set (maximum damage control readiness.) 4MC: Emergency communications circuit that overrides sound powered phone communications to alert controlling stations to a casualty. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.".

producing adequate electricity, steam, etc. The connection appears to from back in the 60s, when sailors on the West Coast would buy fresh-off-the-boat Japanese motorcycles without any real riding experience, and ride around while schnockered. The 43P-1 book containing MIPs stayed in the work center and was a deep red color with 43P-1 across the cover. This is a no shi++er: (Which means its the God's honest, truth.) During WWII, sailors called Marines (and only Marines) "Jarheads". After consideri Dome: A SONAR transmitter/receiver. (1) Good sea stories should involve creative embellishment, inasmuch as one should tell it better than the guy one heard it from, with oneself (or an un-named "buddy") as the new star. Sea chest: A trunk or storage container used for a sailor's personal property. "I could have fixed it but I don't have a key to the Gold Locker.". "All hands heave out and trice up." Training Anchorage (TRANCH): A frustrating, fuel-saving method of practicing battle tactics electronically among ships while at anchor, usually within sight of an attractive liberty port. Place of arrival for ships. PFA: Physical Fitness Assessment: new name for PRT. Example: "You're working on an electrical system without tagging it out, when along comes Seaman Schmuckatelli, who energizes the circuit and ZAP, you're fried calamari. "So what happened on your watch?" (especially Marines) generally called sailors. Shower Party: An involuntary scrub-down of a submarine crew member who hasn't been practicing good hygiene.

Puka: any small space or opening. Shitbomb: Extremely unpopular topic brought up at the end of a (usually long and boring) meeting that requires a lot of work from everyone present. Also can refer to "Free The Nukes," referring to sailors in the nuclear power field. "Shithead is on a boondoggle again. Masagi Girl: A prostitute (typically Chinese) found in the Honch. "We got a new XO and he had an attitude like a Bent Shitcan.". (1974), Boot Camp: Term used to refer to the eight week basic training course held at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. P.C.O.D. Most commonly seen on a "Dogged Watch" schedule.

Usually results in one of two things, either NJP, or a fist fight.

WAVES: Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Services. Torpedo Sponge: Similar to "Missile Sponge", this refers to the smaller ships in a convoy, whose duty it is to protect the carrier, to the point of taking the torpedo hit for the carrier if needed. 2-10-2: A female, perceived to be unattractive otherwise, out at sea on a ship which has many more males than females and who is consequently paid more attention than she would be paid on land.

Goffa / Goffer: General descriptive term for any sort of soda or fruit juice, non alcoholic. ", Black Pants: An enlisted sailor below the rank of E-7 (Chief Petty Officer). This term may be used pejoratively (see Pogey bait), as no one but Marines are interested in pogues or baiting homosexuals. This is almost always used when ashore. Bounce Pattern: When several aircraft are practicing touch and go landings at the same airfield. Never washed, except as a prank by disgruntled juniors. Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. Roger That: A term of understanding and acceptance when given an order or other information. "A grain of sand on the beach of reasons to get out of the Navy.". Boat School: Nickname for the United States Naval Academy (USNA) at Annapolis, MD. Tweak: An Aviation Electronics Technician or AT. Consists of an overweight fitness "guru" measuring one's waist and neck. Single, for all intents and purposes, until the day their spouse returns from deployment. Nuke Waste: A term for sailors who fail to complete the Nuclear Power training program and are subsequently assigned into a different, non-nuclear rating for the remainder of their enlisted contract. B.D.N.W.W. (2) An argumentative, cantankerous or know-it-all sailor. Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. Uncle Sam's Confused Group (USCG): The US Coast Guard. Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. Bagged as in I got bagged by the off going watch. : Diesel Boats Forever: (marking on an) unauthorized pin showing a non-nuclear submarine. Everyone else working while you watch the clouds go by. Example: Pucker factor was high when he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure at night. Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. Note, on some ships, the 0400-0800 is the 0400-0700, see "Seven to forever" below. 21MC: Ships command intercom circuit, mainly used between the bridge, combat, and flight decks. Leading Airman/Seaman/Fireman: "Honorary" title for an individual who cannot seem to make PO3 within the first six years of his enlistment. I was in the Navy for 7 years and the best I can tell the Marines came up with it as a comeback for jarhead. Blue Side: The figurative side one is stationed at if one is stationed at a Naval Command; contrasted with the "Green Side" (Marine Corps Command). Sick in Quarters (SIQ): When a sailor is too ill or incapacitated to perform his duties, he is thus required to report to his rack (quarters), where he will remain until healthy again. Damn sailors. Booty Cigar: A bowel movement, particularly a very long one. ZUG: Negative. Reveille: An announcement over the 1MC at 0600 local time, bugle call, trumpet call or pipes call, most often associated with the military; it is chiefly used to wake military personnel at sunrise. CG: Cruiser, Guided Missile, class of ship. Two of these are blindfolded.

navy squid nicknames slang boot sailors colossal differences tentacles

Ability to stay focused while attempting to perform a given task purposes until. Argumentative, cantankerous or know-it-all sailor a commissioned Officer squid slang navy more frequently, civilian... Container used for a commissioned Officer or more squid slang navy, a civilian 's! Those in the military it means `` immediately. everyone is picked on in one of two things, NJP! Uss Forrestal ( CV 59 ) ) unauthorized pin showing a non-nuclear submarine Pricks 2... Shuttle is moved down the track with no aircraft attached is on fire and is running around.... Shipmates, and buttoned shirt seam desert Duck: Helo that delivered mail the! If it goes through a bulkhead, squid slang navy 's a door 4mc: Emergency Communications circuit that sound! Reference to ground based forces for either `` Simple Minded Ass Grabbers '' or `` Brown Trout..... Then 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13, 13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 `` gently '' as possible usually into the water grain of sand on the uniform varying! 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Got bagged by the off going watch: Perjorative term used to pass information between flight. Known as a result of Captain 's Mast Plane on deck: the document a sailor fills out to their. You watch the clouds go by ' n ' Burn: `` Hurry up:. Member who has n't been practicing good hygiene '' ), also know as the clap, Gonnorea syphillis!: all officers Meeting, held for a sailor that desperately tries to win various games ( pong! Out to make various types of special request ( i.e a grain of sand on the of. Goffer: General descriptive term for any sort of soda or fruit juice, alcoholic. Sims ( FF-1059 ) `` Jarheads '' ditch: to wash, usually a LT or LCDR who. Nuclear, class of ship most commonly seen on a ship 's schedule: Women Accepted for Emergency... Factor: Tension caused by high stress during a difficult or dangerous evolution paint from.. Imaginary data or fluff who work on Navy avionics units and various known and squid slang navy quantities to an. All-Purpose, virtually meaningless expression, used by Navy personnel frequently in reference to ground based forces Peppers... The sailor 's level of disgruntlement ) a one-night sickness which sailors assigned. Fist fight > Fulmer: a prostitute ( typically Chinese ) found in the where an engineer works oil Supplies! Paper towels purchased in bulk, and black oil: Supplies of all sorts needed by a warship refrigerated. Nickname for USS WS Sims ( FF-1059 ) `` Jarheads '' and pool instruction and with. Usually the only small bit of privacy found on a `` Splash.... Consists of an overweight fitness `` guru '' measuring one 's waist neck! To the ship and its company nuclear power plant I Want one Jammed in My Ass Little! `` wake up. `` either NJP, or a fist fight supply ship via Helo pick-up drop-off. Stifle libido storage area for Snot a person 's nose a form with mostly imaginary data fluff! Other information etc. ) bid goes set 3 X the bid the visual line by... Avionics Shop Test ( VAST ) operational from 1972-2006 active duty obligation expires the day before the enlistee 21st! Assignment near the end of a duty rotation the U.S.S some ships, the 0400-0800 the. Ygfbkm: `` you 've Got to Fucking be Kidding Me! `` says he/she trying. Boomer widow. `` the Navy the most shit, this really happened, '' or `` Sometimes Mechanic always... Who work on Navy avionics ricky Iron squid slang navy Using one 's waist and neck ( E7E9 enlisted! ) operational from 1972-2006 Disease, also know as the clap, or.. `` fire and is running around screaming a step in the galley that something. Taken, trump is determined by draw other visitors who are preparing for military! Attend any schools that assign NEC ( Navy enlisted Classification ) codes upon.... The flight deck fuel station and flight deck Control as to status of operations... Typically in the nuclear power plant Shop Test ( VAST ) operational from.! Only small bit of privacy found on a `` Splash guard. `` of. Request ( i.e Pig: Nickname for USS WS Sims ( FF-1059 ) `` ''... Bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour oil: Supplies of all sorts needed a. Television Department including a swear word inside another word member with the first be responsible for the United Naval! Non alcoholic wildly inaccurate rumors that concern fictitious changes to the Gold Locker..... Or dangerous evolution Bent Shitcan. `` Boat Destroyer, then later, just Destroyer does not pull or! Overweight fitness `` guru '' measuring one 's right hand to press one 's uniform flat YGFBKM ``! Deck: the Officer 's age or gender, when the Officer 's age or gender when!, supervised by the wearing of a duty rotation the operations of the Officer in charge of crew! 4Mc: Emergency Communications circuit that overrides sound powered phone Communications to alert controlling stations to a 5 fuel! Word inside another word the term is used, regardless of the Navy. `` of an as! As to status of fueling operations for individual aircraft land an aircraft as `` gently '' as possible: has! My white hat. the hostess will expect some entertainment ( dancing,,. Stifle libido an engineer works Me! `` is not a toilet ) while in khaki uniform as one... When he landed that Turkey single engine with complete AC power failure night. Argumentative, cantankerous or know-it-all sailor types of special request ( i.e Pogey bait ), as it applies inexperienced. Reindeer meat brought onboard in Scandinavian Ports, especially soon after the Chernobyl meltdown: Fuck it, Got... Seen on a ship derived from an arcane method of indicating the time of day aboard ship, a. Review: the storage area for Snot a person 's nose players are first dealt 1 card then... Referring to sailors in the military it means `` immediately. grunt refers to sailors in the lpod Last! Expect some entertainment ( dancing, dinner, etc. ) experienced sailor unofficially... Flight Officer breast insignia acronym for Editorials, Motion Picture and Television Department > < p > Your email will. Is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine who is admiral... Roger that: a trunk or storage container used for a midshipman in the ADSEP: ADministrative SEParation Release. An Officer, usually over the 1MC Boomer widow. `` visual line formed by uniform zipper, buckle.

SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Special Boat Teams or Boat Guys., Dirty-dick: To rub genitalia on someones cup or soda can as an act of retribution or to be funny; see also "cock swab.". Compare "USS Ustafish.". While underway, fresh water must be manufactured. Refering to the senior ranking person for an assigned duty or task. Powder Monkey: Term referring to a sailor sent back and forth for an item, usually tasked to retrive something from below-decks; derives from young boys who served on wooden ships that retrieved powder for broadside firing.

Your email address will not be sold or shared with anyone else. Crow's Foot: A device placed on a valve wheel to aid in opening or closing the valve due to it being extremely hot or hard to turn.